Remote Tips

Why? I have been doing remote in different settings for the last 7 years. Some of you are new to it

Remote Work != Isolation Work - sadly some things don’t apply

Pair/Mob Programming

[screenhshot us us pairing]

Usually I use this 1h/day rule to get to know people and exchange knowledge In Isolation I think it’s even more important to stay sane ;)

Turn on your Webcam, please

Especially for meeting it’s very important. Who knows the feeling of explaining something for 3 min in online meeting and then zero response via audio and black screens.

Take Breaks

Studies show it’s healthy Pomodoro technique

Separate work time from spare time

Without time tracking I often feel like I could do more. It’s a great reality check. Different room is the best, different shoes work as well

Anti-pattern: Going Dark

Story: someone takes a story and comes back 1,5 weeks later with all of the work done

We doing lots of measurements to prevent this anyway.


  • Remote calls are more exhausting ->
    • shorter meetings
    • async first
    • camera on, please
  • Prepare well to shorten the meeting
  • Document the take aways

exhausting because if: connection issues, missing the closeness, often needs more time to come to a conclusion

How to think about it: if there are 5 people in the meeting an we need 30min longer these are 30min _ 4 people _ 2 stress work time lost

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Thoughts on Software Engineering with a focus on React & GraphQL.